The GPS machine control experts

Plantforce Digital is a specialist division focused on offering GPS solutions that allow our customers to increase the accuracy and efficiency of their projects.


Our team of GPS experts are at the forefront of the latest innovations in this technology, ensuring we have an extensive fleet of GPS-enabled machines and stand-alone units available for immediate hire.

By only working with leading manufacturers, we can offer a consistent quality solution for all customers.

Why choose Plantforce Digital?

Plantforce Digital are the leading independent supplier of GPS machine control systems in the UK.

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over 2 decades of experience

We have partnered with the leading manufacturers of GPS technology to grow the largest fleet of GPS machine control hire fleets in the UK.

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Huge Range of Solutions for your needs

From just the GPS equipment to attach to your own machine or a GPS-ready machine for you to attach your kit too, through to a complete machine and GPS machine control set-up, Plantforce Digital offer the right solution for your project.

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Technical support team on hand

We are always here to help you through your digital hire journey, we provide intelligent solutions for companies of all sizes. From installation, design consultation and ongoing technical support, you can start digital digging with the reassurance that our dedicated service team are available to support you, no matter where you are in the UK.

GPS Machine Control FAQ’s

New to GPS and machine control technology? Here are a few commonly asked questions to get you started, but if you would like to learn more, our team of experts would be more than happy to discuss the technology and how it could work for you with no obligations.

Machine Control involves the integration of survey positioning equipment onto earthmoving machines.

GPS can be fitted to just about any earthmoving machine, typically larger dozers & excavators, but it can also be fitted to graders, pavers, rollers and many more.

The survey positioning part of the equation breaks down into 3D GPS, 3D total station or 2D laser and this is what is used to ‘guide’ the machine. 3D refers to a complex 3-dimensional model, whereas 2D is a more basic grade level.

For 3D GPS systems, GPS receivers are mounted on the machine, which in conjunction with a GPS base station, tells the system its position accurately. The 3D model is loaded onto the system, so the machine knows where it needs to be to achieve the required design. The system combines these two data sets so the operator can dig the difference. A 3D total station system works the same as above. However, the GPS receivers and base station are replaced with a prism and a total station.

• Increased efficiency, resulting in lower machine operating costs • Increased accuracy, resulting in lower costs in removing and replacing the material • Right first time, no need for costly reworks • Eliminates the need for the time-consuming and costly engineering works • Health & Safety is improved as there are fewer people physically on site • Move earth faster and for longer • No delays waiting for an engineer to check positions

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