Going the Extra Mile: Above & Beyond Awardees

We are proud to announce the employees of this months Above & Beyond Award, recognising outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication. This month’s awardees, Jamie Lang and Bruce Martin, have demonstrated exceptional commitment and performance beyond their respective divisions.

Jamie Lang – Engineer

The Attachments Division plays a crucial role in our business operations, ensuring timely delivery of products to our customers is essential.

Jamie Lang, an engineer in our Attachments Division, has been honoured for his tireless efforts to ensure our customers receive the best possible attachment solutions. Jamie’s dedication has seen him going the extra mile, quite literally, to ensure that equipment arrives on time and is ready for immediate use. His professional and positive attitude is an asset to the team and greatly contributes to our customer satisfaction.

Bruce Martin – Operator Coordinator

At times, employees must extend beyond their designated roles to lend a helping hand, and that’s precisely what Bruce did.

Bruce Martin, our Operator Coordinator in the Operators Division, is being recognised for his willingness to step in and help wherever needed. Recently, during a period of high demand and coinciding with many team members on annual leave, Bruce was the first to volunteer his support to the Finance team. His attention to detail and efficiency have been invaluable and greatly appreciated by all.

Both Jamie Lang and Bruce Martin have set a high standard for excellence and commitment within Plantforce. We want to congratulate Jamie and Bruce on their well-earned awards. Their remarkable contributions reflect the dedication and hard work of all our employees, who strive every day to achieve our mission and deliver exceptional service to our customers.

Too many to choose. The ‘Above & Beyond’ quartet

We believe it is important to regularly take time to reflect on and recognise the outstanding contributions of our employees who consistently go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service as well as adding to our positive culture. Our team’s dedication and professionalism are a huge part of what makes Plantforce stand out in our market. With that, this month, it wasn’t possible to whittle it down to just one individual to award, so we have decided to present four members of our team with the coveted ‘Above & Beyond’ award.

Matt Bryant, Operator   

Matt has received glowing feedback from an appreciative customer, Liam McGrath of EJ McGrath, who emailed us to let us know: “Not only did Matt possess excellent technical skills as an operator but also had an in-depth knowledge of groundworks, the procedures, methodology and overall goals of the project. Matt’s consistently calm and helpful demeanour meant we could rely on him without hesitation to carry out the difficult machine work, and any challenge was met with a positive responsive, quality workmanship and an excellent end result.”

Ashley Walker, HGV Driver  

Ashley is known for his reliability and going the extra mile to get the job done. Recently, he was collecting a machine from a customer site. However, the machine track was off, and a fitter was needed. Ashley stayed to assist the fitter get the track back on and made sure the equipment was safely loaded and delivered back to depot. He is a great ambassador for Plantforce’s Transport division. 

Ryan Nicholas, Digital Installation Engineer   

Ryan is great team player and always happy to support where he can – as demonstrated recently when, despite being in the middle of a digital installation job, Ryan spotted that an HGV driver in the yard was struggling to load a piece of plant. He immediately stopped what he was doing and went to assist his colleague, so that the driver could get underway, and the load was delivered on time.  

David Coles, HGV Driver

David Coles has recently received excellent feedback from Dave Hobday of Hobday Solutions, who frequently relies on David for deliveries and collections from various sites. Dave appreciates David’s proactive approach of calling the night before to confirm site details and provide approximate delivery/collection times. Additionally, Dave commends David for his positive and polite attitude when visiting his sites. David takes immense pride in meticulously maintaining the appearance of his equipment, ensuring it presents a stellar first impression upon arrival at our customers’ sites.

Congratulations to Matt, Ashley, Ryan, and David on their much-deserved “Above & Beyond awards”. Their actions not only uphold the standards of Plantforce, but also strengthen our reputation as a trusted partner in the industry to so many.

Changes at the top of Plantforce

Bristol-based Plantforce, the highly successful plant hire company, has announced changes to its Executive Leadership Team: former COO Sam Mercer will be stepping up as the new CEO, as founder Claire Trott moves into a new role as Founder Executive Director.

The changes are significant as the company enters another phase of planned growth. Claire founded Plantforce 25 years ago with a yard in Yatton, three machines and two staff, serving local contractors in the Southwest and has taken it to a Tier 1 national plant provider, winning some of the UK’s largest major projects. Claire will continue in an important ambassadorial role, focusing on relationships with clients, mentoring the Plantforce team, and continuing to share her many years of experience. “The time is right for me to hand over the reins. I have achieved what I set out to achieve, and there is no better person than Sam to take over my life’s work. I look forward to being part of what comes next!” Claire said.

Sam Mercer has worked at Plantforce for over twelve years, working his way up through the business, from the workshop to the C-suite. He is excited to take the business to the next level, aiming to consolidate Plantforce’s position as a trusted Tier 1 and ‘major projects’ supplier, whilst retaining the family feel of the company. “We have ambitious plans for Plantforce, continuing the path set out by Claire. I feel lucky to be taking over when the business is already in such a strong position. We have an excellent reputation for being innovative, solutions-focused partner to our customers, delivering what we say, when we say, with integrity. 

Bill Caplan, chair of the board at Plantforce commented that “the timing is right for Sam to succeed Claire at the helm. Sam is extremely capable, and highly respected in the industry and within business. I have every confidence he’s going to achieve great things for Plantforce in this new phase of growth. And he will have Claire at his side, supporting the business, spending more time with key customers, and mentoring team members. The next chapter of Plantforce’s journey will be an exciting one. Watch this space.” 

Plantforce is a national supplier of technologically advanced plant hire machinery to the construction, rail, major project and energy industries. Established as a regional plant hire company in 1999, Plantforce has grown year on year and now provides one of the largest and most diverse ranges of machinery and skilled operators in the UK. Through its divisions, which include Plantforce Compact, Attachments, Digital, Heavy Haulage and Crushing and Screening, Plantforce can supply customers with industryspecific equipment. Plantforce is the only plant hire provider to be awarded Tier 1 status on the two largest civil engineering projects, Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station and High Speed Rail 2.

Alex Awarded for Going “Above & Beyond”

In plant hire, deliveries and collections are a key contact point with our customers. So the way our drivers interact with our customers is incredibly important. That is why we are delighted to award our first “Above & Beyond” award to one of our HGV drivers, Alex Pop.

Alex has been awarded the prestigious Above and Beyond award after receiving excellent feedback from a major customer. The award, which is given to employees who go deliver more than their job responsibilities, was presented to Alex in recognition of his positive and friendly attitude when interacting with customers, but also following feedback from the wider Plantforce team.

Plantforce Transport Manager, Ian Blackburn said, “Alex’s cheerful attitude and willingness to go the extra mile makes our customers experience with Plantforce all the more enjoyable. As well as being punctual, Alex greets us all with a smile on his face and takes great care in delivering and collecting our machines, making sure they are in top condition. His positive attitude is contagious and I am delighted he has won this award – he really deserves it”.

The Above and Beyond award is just one of the many ways Plantforce rewards and recognises their hard-working team. When presented with the award, Alex said, “Although I am honoured to receive this award, I was simply doing my job. I really enjoy working here, we have a great team and that is what really puts me in a good mood as I head into work each day. But I would like to thank Ian and the rest of the Plantforce team for this recognition.”

The award not only highlights Alex’s exceptional service, but also the strong relationship between Plantforce and their customers. It serves as a reminder that excellent customer service goes a long way in building a successful business. Congratulations to Alex Pop on his well-deserved Above and Beyond award. With employees like him, it is no surprise that Plantforce has built a reputation for delivering excellent customer service. And now you can get the helpful drivers like Alex at Plantforce to move your equipment too, following the launch of a new Heavy Haulage division.