Alcohol Awareness Week

Plantforce is running interactive alcohol awareness workshops.

Activity 1

Knowing your units. How many units are in your average drink?

Activity 2

Listen to our guest speakers from alcohol anonymous, who will share their inspirational stories first hand.

Activity 3

Knowing your limits, come and test your reaction times and see how they change when ‘beer google’ are on.

Alcohol and mental well-being are closely linked, and people drink for many reasons to celebrate, socialise, commiserate, drown sorrow, or relieve the symptoms of mental ill-health. However, trying to manage your mental well-being by relying on alcohol for those going through troubled times can become a problem and there is no shame in asking for help and exploring a new relationship with alcohol.

These session’s will not be pursuing anyone’s personal experiences but if you have any concerns about yourself, family members, friend, colleague, or just simply want to know more then please sign up to any of the sessions by clicking on the link to the register below.

  Register your spot now

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